10 exercises for a healthier body - you4health

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10 exercises for a healthier body

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Physical activity stimulates the body to consume more energy than it consumes in the performance of its normal life activities so that this activity affects the normal and healthy on the heart and respiratory tracts increase the speed of the heartbeat, even if Simple and increase the difficulty of the breathing process significantly and increase the secretions of the sweat glands, walking, cycling, swimming, housework, gardening, fitness exercises, shopping and many other activities in the system of physical sports activities

Benefits of sport
1 - Prevention of heart disease and stroke: Regular exercise helps strengthen the heart muscle and improve the work and increase the efficiency of blood flow and circulation and regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood healthily

2 - prevention and reduction of the effects of diabetes and high blood pressure

3 - have a role in the process of weight regulation either increase or decrease depending on the diet and the quality of the exercises followed in the sense of following three different training systems, first a training system for the burning of fat and depends mainly burning calories more than the amount consumed by the body daily and the second system, Muscle is mainly dependent on the funding of the body with a very high amount of protein may exceed double the weight of the human and a healthy diet contains all the necessary nutrients such as vitamins, carbohydrates and energy to complete the needs of this system and the third system is burning and building Maintaining the muscle mass or building it at the same time as the process of burning fat and this system needs a physical effort and the ability to withstand very high.

4. Physical exercise strengthens back muscles, improves fitness, endurance and flexibility. This helps to prevent back pain and related health problems.

5 - Physical exercises that rely on lifting weights help to strengthen and build bones and joints and prevention of fragility and damage, especially in the age of aging

6 - Prevention of colon cancer and diseases associated with blockage of the arteries

7 - Improve the position of sleep in the human respiratory tract is opened and improves the work of blood circulation and reduce the snoring is disturbing and increase the sexual effectiveness in humans.

10 exercises for a healthier body

10 exercises for a healthier body
Exercise 1
Lie down so that your face is on the ground and rest on your arms
Stretch your legs back so that your back is straight and lift your feet on her fingers
Continue in this mode 60 seconds
Number of normal and repeat step three times
You can exercise daily

Exercise II
Stand so that your feet are the same alignment
Start taking the urinary position and bend the hips and knees until the thighs are parallel to the ground
Do not lift the heel of the foot from the ground continued in this situation for several seconds
Return to the original position and repeat the exercise in three groups each set 12 times

Exercise 3
Stand so that your hips are apart
Take a squatting position so that the thighs become parallel to the floor as if you were sitting on a chair
Stretch your arms forward and stretch your feet
Continue for several seconds and return to normal
Repeat step 12 times in three groups

10 exercises for a healthier body

Exercise 4
Stand and your arms in your midst
Stretch the right man forward slowly and lean your body down until your knee becomes in a corner with the ground with the left man's back
Continue for several seconds and return to the original position
Repeat the step with the left-hand right switch
Repeat the step several times

Exercise V
Place your knees on the ground and rest your hands above it
Lift your body up so that it rests only on your hands and feet
Get close to your chest while keeping your back straight and not touching the knees of the ground
Then press to go back up again
Repeat step 12 once in three groups


Exercise 6
Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your hands behind your head
Try to touch your right elbow with your left knee and reverse the situation
Repeat the step several times

10 exercises for a healthier body

Exercise 7
Sit on the edge of a chair or chair
Place both hands on your side and stretch your legs down
Lift your legs to your chest and then return to the original position slowly Repeat steps 12 times a day

Exercise 8
Lie down so that your face is toward the ground
Lift your arms and legs off the ground with the trunk still touching
Repeat the step several times

Exercise 9
Sit on the edge of a chair or a wooden seat and lean with both hands next to you. Move your body down as far as possible and then return to normal. Repeat these steps 12 times.

Exercise X
Place your back on a bench or a tree
Press your back and move your foot forward and drop your body down as you sit on a chair while keeping your back straightened with
Move the foot until it becomes at the corner of the list with the ground and prove for at least 30 seconds. Return to the original position and repeat the step

10 exercises for a healthier body

Myths About Fitness
- The first myth: Running on the sports device reduces the pressure on your knees more than running on the asphalt or pavement !! Running from the best sports, but it may affect the knees, but since this strength is due to the pressure of the body weight on the joints, it does not change whether running on the device or on the asphalt. But the best way to reduce this pressure is to combine running and another sport that increases the activity of the heart as a bicycle; this will reduce the pressure on your knees, and you will be able to run for longer.

- Myth 2: Training on the abdomen will save you fat in the abdomen. Experts say that you can not choose a particular area and burn fat. Therefore, such machines will not lose weight from that area as you prepare. Even if the burning process is done, your athletic activity should include both sports to strengthen the heart Vascular, and muscle-flexing muscles such as these;
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