General tips for weight and general health
Reduce fat and sugars
Return yourself to frequent movement even at home
Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day
Do not perform all of the following daily exercises, but first start with two exercises a day for a quarter of an hour and then give it to three for half an hour and try to switch between exercises daily so as not to strain the abdominal muscles, especially when you are unusual on the sport.
Ten exercises
1 - Ball exercise (pass the ball between hands and legs)
* You need a big training ball
Grow on the floor and raise your hands up and hold the ball
Lift your body using your leg muscles with your legs fixed
Move the ball between your legs and hold it and raise your body with your hands fast up
Repeat each exercise 20 times and you can rest between the time and the next
This exercise helps to tighten the upper and lower abdominal muscles.
2. Bike
Grow on the floor and lift your leg and move it round as if you were riding a bike for a full minute
Relax for a second and repeat 10 times
This exercise is a great exercise for the muscles of the abdomen and thighs.
3 - arm lift:
Growing on the ground
Stretch your hands up and back straight and her breasts firmly
Try lifting your body from the middle and then Uday from 1 to 10
Repeat the exercise 10 times and rest between each time
This exercise is useful for upper abdominal muscles.
[Read also: Supermama exercises: focus on strong arm and decree]
4 - Foot Touch Exercise:
Grow on the ground and lift your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. You can sleep on the floor and lift the two feet on the wall
Try touching your left arm with your right hand and vice versa
Repeat the exercise once every 20 to 30 times and relax
This exercise is excellent in stretching the upper and lateral muscles of the abdominal muscles. Do not worry about it and you can start it 10 times and increase it gradually every week if it is difficult for you.
5 - exercise mind
Hold your hands from both sides on the armrest or on high grip
Lift your body up
After getting used to it and masturbating, you should lift your legs up to the chest.
Repeat the exercise 15 times and you can rest between every 5 times.
This exercise is excellent for lower abdominal muscles and is the most fat-storing area.
6 - lifting the legs
Growing on the ground
Lift your legs and knees tight to an existing or sharp angle
Repeat the exercise 30 times
7 - lifting exercise center
Grow on the ground and spread your legs and hold it well - preferably one helps you to stick it or heavy
I clasp your hands behind your head
Lift your upper half forward and if you can sit at any angle is better
Repeat the exercise 30 times
The previous exercises complement each other to lower and upper abdominal muscles
[Read also: Video and steps: Exercises to tighten and fitness breasts]
8. Exercise pressure
I will rise on your belly and raise my hands and feet and lift your body and drop it several times
For more difficulty, lift your right hand with your left foot for a second and then land with them and reverse
Repeat the exercise in several ways 10 to 15 times and relax.
Do not exercise very quickly
This exercise is great for pulling all the abdominal muscles, it is useful for the muscles of the thighs and shoulders.
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