Know the types of «Crush» .. and choose the appropriate treatment to get rid of it - you4health

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Know the types of «Crush» .. and choose the appropriate treatment to get rid of it

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This is one of the easiest abdominal troubles to eliminate, because it is caused by eating erroneous foods and not exercising enough of the sport.

How to identify it:
People who have this rumen often live a stable life, perhaps in jobs that keep them sitting on a desk for a long time. They may 

also have emotional attachment to sugary foods. Luckily, the precautionary framework is one of the easiest and easiest to eradicate. Eating wrong foods and not doing enough exercise.
You practice very little sport.

You eat lots of sugar and carbohydrates in products like biscuits, cakes and white bread.
Your food depends mainly on carbohydrates and carbohydrates such as pasta and rice.
Steps to solve the problem:
Remove from your diet. In short, eat well, avoid more movement, avoid diet-specific low-fat diets. These products are often filled with chemicals, refined sugars, salt and preservatives to give them flavor.
Reduce the number of calories in favor of a healthy and balanced diet of unprocessed fresh foods, such as fish, eggs, meat and organic vegetables. Do not be afraid to eat good fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts and fishes. It produces a flat belly.
Exercise is the key to helping this kind of belly. Simply go for a long walk, with abdominal exercises at home or work in yoga, you do not need to go to the gym to get rid of this type of rumen.

Best tip:

If you reward yourself regularly after a day of hard work with a piece of cake, or deal with bad news by eating biscuits and chocolates, it is important to remember that beauty depends on feeling happy and satisfied, as it is based on outward appearance. The shape of the abdomen is a feeling of happiness.

Crushing tension
These abdomen usually show up for the outstanding in their fields and the people who seek perfection.

How to identify it:
Stressed tinnitus types usually appear in the elite and with the characters seeking perfection. These people are also often susceptible to digestive problems such as nerve colon syndrome, which can cause swelling and make the abdomen look much worse than it is.
The tension is easily recognizable. The weight is determined in the front and center of the belly. When you tense, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that encourages the body to keep fat around the abdomen. The tension is stiff and rigid, not vibrating and shaky.

Skip meals.
You drink too much caffeine, which is an abuse of the adrenalin system in the body.
You eat junk food for diarrhea.

Steps to solve the problem:
Women who are stressed do not get enough sleep, which hinders the production of the hormone "leptin", a hormone that helps regulate appetite and metabolism.
Beat stress by relaxing through deep breathing, meditation and taking a long bath before bedtime, promotes good sleep while reducing coffee consumption by no more than two cups a day.
Do not prepare yourself for an increase in exercise. Extreme exercise that increases cortisol levels is not the solution. Instead, you can practice yoga, walk long distances to maintain your body, and work to calm your nerves.
Magnesium is a calming mineral to help calm the belly of tension. Many magnesium-rich foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, are eaten.

Best tip:
You can do stress-resistant exercises and yoga formations at night, helping you lower cortisol levels, while taking camomile tea can help your body relax.

Wait for the next article to know about the rest of the types and methods of treatment.
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